Ok I'll spare you the ideograms for this time; D
Basically last week I received gifts (birthday)!
First, I must thank my lovvatissimi insane & hearts! \u0026lt;3
Poor things I've been running for months with the presents! xD
say that after examining Glotto I attended two really little, so the delivery was delayed even my fault! xD
"ごめん ね !!!!" Beginning with the
puccissimo note drawn by Martichan aka my 老师 (laoshi) [sensei Chinese] or also known as PPG Green! xD
Then we decided to play insane by David:
This is a survival horror game that is really special ... INSANE! ° O °
It 'really nice and then I'm going to watch it for good. There are excellent opportunities for
And then ... could not miss my beloved RILAKKUMA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ♥ ♥ ♥
It covers like a dream! (LOL) Then
surprise I got a little thought even Naoyasan! * W *
letter and gift to the whole theme! xD What a coincidence ...
RILAKKUMA here! (* W *)
Naoyasan Japanese always known is a gentleman on the Internet.
Perhaps the merit of my "hope-not-too-nasty-Japanese-written" is his and Yukisan.
About Yukisan ... I left the poor black working! ç_ç
hope you rest a bit '! Returning to
Naoya spero davvero di conoscere lui e la moglie prima o poi!
Sono sempre tanto carini con me! ^ ^
Uh bhè sul fronte PUREZENTO è tutto ...
See ya!
Mi mancano ancora 3 posts tipo. .. auguri a me! xD