August 2010, Moscow, VVC, the temperature is about +35
During photowalk at the exhibition center near one of the pavilions, we saw Moor-searing a hunter
I like the old ailurophile, failed to pass by and called him to himself. Graceful gait, he walked towards us. On the road kote tried to hunt dove, but due to intense heat made it an incredible laziness
with the same laziness dove flew for a couple of meters away from the predator
Nigger lost interest in birds and sent to us
But as any self-respecting cat, he forgot to change the direction of motion, showing those Thus, he came to us not because we called him, but because he so wanted
He allowed himself to stroke, but it behaved very proud. At any time He was ready to leave on his cat for
I asked him to take part in a photo shoot, he looked at his companion
and agreed
Moor felt quite comfortable next to the female legs
But it's time we say goodbye. We went, and the Moor was on the porch of his mansion. The more we do not see it
was a good kote, kind, affectionate, myrlykal like a tractor. I hope and now he is alive and well
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