Mission in life
"The main thing of your life
may be a trifle.
We just firmly believe,
importantly do not care.
And if not prevent
you are neither cold nor hot,
Panting delight,
trumpery jobs. "
Beautiful advice from Grigory Oster.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Get Rid Of Prolapsing Hemorrhoids
Happy Soviet Army and Navy!
Despite the fact that in recent times, this holiday represents, as a day of all men, for me it is primarily a day of all those who served, both men and women in uniform. Happy holiday!
And under the cut gay army story of one man servicemen
THEY fought for their Motherland
Before the end of the course School ensigns had a little. We had to pass the final exams and left for parts. By the beginning of exams in the part had to come Commission from district headquarters to check. Probably for this test and was timed competition of amateur. Political officer of our company, announced that this competition open to all comers. For those who want a release, of course, was not - participate in the initiative implied exemption for a period of preparation the competition from the tedious drill, special and other types of training. Yes, and a variety would be too helpful. Political officer, announced that our company will play a mini-play, 30 minutes.
script was ready - the action took place during the Great Patriotic War, and are reduced to the fact that several Soviet soldiers sit at rest and talk about how they will smash the fascist scum that they are willing to die for their country that and will not give an inch of his native land, and so on. Then they are surrounded by Germans and in an unequal battle our soldiers are dying. Over all this is carried announcer with a microphone, who plays a sort of "voice-overs."
In general, the safe option, according to the political officer and director.
week we were rehearsing. According to the plot, together the soldiers had to be a nurse, her role was invited to a local schoolgirl tenth grade. And her friend was supposed to play the role of speaker. Now it should be recalled that before the end of the course has remained a bit, so the students were quite relaxed. The mood at all was excellent, and we even dared to joke and laugh. The essence of the tricks was conceived as follows.
In the course of the play the men had to drink to their fallen comrades. At rehearsals we are particularly pleased to rehearse this moment, pouring water on aluminum mugs from the flask.
So we decided to add some fun to play. Bought liter of vodka, poured a full bottle, but that does not fits in the bottle, have used before going on stage, in four. This we have done nothing, because organisms otvykshih from alcohol, it was loading dose.
As a result, the performance was as follows.
Auditorium garrison club. All seats are occupied by soldiers the next division the officers with their wives and children, invited veterans. In the front row sits the command part and a visiting general, the head of the check Commission.
Non programs come one after another. Some danced, others sang songs ...
Reaches turn up to play.
Following the announcement on the scene two men in capes, carrying stretchers with wounded. Their leading cadet in officer's cap, who plays the commander. Together with them, a girl with a bag with a red cross - Nurse.
speaker's voice (with pathos): Little Red Army unit, bearing heavy losses, with fights retreated to the east. Commissioner Petrov was mortally wounded, but there remained the slightest hope, comrades carried him to himself. Seeing how exhausted soldiers, the commander gave the command to halt.
COMMANDER: Stop, comrades. Halt.
fighters are at the camp. One of them immediately pulls out a flask haversack, aluminum cups, and pours them on the contents of the flask.
COMMANDER: Drink same for the comrades who fell in the unequal ...
NURSE (whispering): Boys, this is that, although vodka?
COMMANDER: ... the battles for our Soviet Motherland! All
drink. Nurse blushes and starts the habit cough.
first champion (hands her his hat): Zanyuhay, dear.
WOUNDED: Drink ...
Commander: Commissioner pour.
Nurse gently lifts his head injured and water them from his mug. The rows of the audience is excited - they are starting to realize that there is something wrong.
SECOND Fighter: Here we divide the German delights, come and see me at Poltava. I have a mom such dumplings with cherries does!
NURSE: Then I suppose I grew up in an orphanage. My mom and did not know ...
COMMANDER (Emblem ordering pour more): No, comrades, the war is over, and we all return to our moms. For parents! All
drink. Wounded in this case sits in a litter, overturned mug and lay down again. Spectators begin to quietly laugh. Chief Schools face black as thunder.
newcomer general Conversely, grinning through his mustache.
NURSE: Boys, let's sing! Katyusha! To ...
COMMANDER (Choking with laughter): Do not, dear! Surrounded by enemies!
Yip FROM HALL: Nurses do not pour any more!
All actors on for some time turn away from the spectators, to hide the tearing out laughing. Dumb in a minute. Head of School breaks to jump out of chairs, a visiting General to detain him, reassuring pat on the shoulder. Political officer at the scene of vigor gestures actors, they say, enough, stop the ugliness.
But the actors, seeing that they had nothing to lose, continue to play.
first champion (Retrieves a pack of Camels "): smoke, guys!
COMMANDER: What kind of snuff you have such?
first champion: Captured. A camel named.
COMMANDER: What a dirty trick. What did Fritz do not invent ...
All silently smoking. Especially colorful looks wounded, lying smoking and float the ceiling ring. Meanwhile, political officer decides to influence the course of the play more effective measures and begins dictating speaker text.
political officer (speaker): But here in the forest heard the noise. Ostapenko fighter shouted: 'The Germans!'
SPEAKER (With pathos): But here in the forest heard the noise. Ostapenko fighter shouted: Germans!
Second Fighter: The Germans!
COMMANDER: Quietly, Ostapenko. It is the wind rustling the branches. Nerve you have no right - no joke, for three days without sleep. Drink to calm.
zampolit (mutters angrily): The nerves b .... " (A little louder) This is the squirrel, comrades.
SPEAKER (With pathos): This is the squirrel, comrades!
loud laughter of the hall. Newcomer General buried his face in his hands and silently shakes.
COMMANDER: Well, Ostapenko, and remained there More?
SECOND Fighter: Yes, Comrade Commander!
first champion: You need to drink, and then, one never knows hour perish - the enemies get.
Cry from the audience: In the morning leave the better!
commander takes the cup, coming to the stage, holding unsteady on his feet, and makes a speech, addressing the audience.
COMMANDER: Comrades! I raise this toast to the most sacred thing that we have.
And even if we perish, but the hour of victory will come, because it is inevitable, as the defeat of Nazi invaders at Stalingrad. Hurrah!
enthusiastic roar of the spectators. General already laughing openly. The first and second fighters take a stretcher with a wounded and in led by the commander marched leave the scene.
nurse a little late, takes the microphone and speaker crazed drunk voice, says: - And they go on!
PS The same evening we all (except nurses) sitting in the guardhouse. It is true that on Monday we drove out Head guardhouse.
- Scheb you in Minya Tutu play is not syhrali!
Taken from http://www.kurer-sreda.ru/2010/12/28/36852
Despite the fact that in recent times, this holiday represents, as a day of all men, for me it is primarily a day of all those who served, both men and women in uniform. Happy holiday!
And under the cut gay army story of one man servicemen
THEY fought for their Motherland
Before the end of the course School ensigns had a little. We had to pass the final exams and left for parts. By the beginning of exams in the part had to come Commission from district headquarters to check. Probably for this test and was timed competition of amateur. Political officer of our company, announced that this competition open to all comers. For those who want a release, of course, was not - participate in the initiative implied exemption for a period of preparation the competition from the tedious drill, special and other types of training. Yes, and a variety would be too helpful. Political officer, announced that our company will play a mini-play, 30 minutes.
script was ready - the action took place during the Great Patriotic War, and are reduced to the fact that several Soviet soldiers sit at rest and talk about how they will smash the fascist scum that they are willing to die for their country that and will not give an inch of his native land, and so on. Then they are surrounded by Germans and in an unequal battle our soldiers are dying. Over all this is carried announcer with a microphone, who plays a sort of "voice-overs."
In general, the safe option, according to the political officer and director.
week we were rehearsing. According to the plot, together the soldiers had to be a nurse, her role was invited to a local schoolgirl tenth grade. And her friend was supposed to play the role of speaker. Now it should be recalled that before the end of the course has remained a bit, so the students were quite relaxed. The mood at all was excellent, and we even dared to joke and laugh. The essence of the tricks was conceived as follows.
In the course of the play the men had to drink to their fallen comrades. At rehearsals we are particularly pleased to rehearse this moment, pouring water on aluminum mugs from the flask.
So we decided to add some fun to play. Bought liter of vodka, poured a full bottle, but that does not fits in the bottle, have used before going on stage, in four. This we have done nothing, because organisms otvykshih from alcohol, it was loading dose.
As a result, the performance was as follows.
Auditorium garrison club. All seats are occupied by soldiers the next division the officers with their wives and children, invited veterans. In the front row sits the command part and a visiting general, the head of the check Commission.
Non programs come one after another. Some danced, others sang songs ...
Reaches turn up to play.
Following the announcement on the scene two men in capes, carrying stretchers with wounded. Their leading cadet in officer's cap, who plays the commander. Together with them, a girl with a bag with a red cross - Nurse.
speaker's voice (with pathos): Little Red Army unit, bearing heavy losses, with fights retreated to the east. Commissioner Petrov was mortally wounded, but there remained the slightest hope, comrades carried him to himself. Seeing how exhausted soldiers, the commander gave the command to halt.
COMMANDER: Stop, comrades. Halt.
fighters are at the camp. One of them immediately pulls out a flask haversack, aluminum cups, and pours them on the contents of the flask.
COMMANDER: Drink same for the comrades who fell in the unequal ...
NURSE (whispering): Boys, this is that, although vodka?
COMMANDER: ... the battles for our Soviet Motherland! All
drink. Nurse blushes and starts the habit cough.
first champion (hands her his hat): Zanyuhay, dear.
WOUNDED: Drink ...
Commander: Commissioner pour.
Nurse gently lifts his head injured and water them from his mug. The rows of the audience is excited - they are starting to realize that there is something wrong.
SECOND Fighter: Here we divide the German delights, come and see me at Poltava. I have a mom such dumplings with cherries does!
NURSE: Then I suppose I grew up in an orphanage. My mom and did not know ...
COMMANDER (Emblem ordering pour more): No, comrades, the war is over, and we all return to our moms. For parents! All
drink. Wounded in this case sits in a litter, overturned mug and lay down again. Spectators begin to quietly laugh. Chief Schools face black as thunder.
newcomer general Conversely, grinning through his mustache.
NURSE: Boys, let's sing! Katyusha! To ...
COMMANDER (Choking with laughter): Do not, dear! Surrounded by enemies!
Yip FROM HALL: Nurses do not pour any more!
All actors on for some time turn away from the spectators, to hide the tearing out laughing. Dumb in a minute. Head of School breaks to jump out of chairs, a visiting General to detain him, reassuring pat on the shoulder. Political officer at the scene of vigor gestures actors, they say, enough, stop the ugliness.
But the actors, seeing that they had nothing to lose, continue to play.
first champion (Retrieves a pack of Camels "): smoke, guys!
COMMANDER: What kind of snuff you have such?
first champion: Captured. A camel named.
COMMANDER: What a dirty trick. What did Fritz do not invent ...
All silently smoking. Especially colorful looks wounded, lying smoking and float the ceiling ring. Meanwhile, political officer decides to influence the course of the play more effective measures and begins dictating speaker text.
political officer (speaker): But here in the forest heard the noise. Ostapenko fighter shouted: 'The Germans!'
SPEAKER (With pathos): But here in the forest heard the noise. Ostapenko fighter shouted: Germans!
Second Fighter: The Germans!
COMMANDER: Quietly, Ostapenko. It is the wind rustling the branches. Nerve you have no right - no joke, for three days without sleep. Drink to calm.
zampolit (mutters angrily): The nerves b .... " (A little louder) This is the squirrel, comrades.
SPEAKER (With pathos): This is the squirrel, comrades!
loud laughter of the hall. Newcomer General buried his face in his hands and silently shakes.
COMMANDER: Well, Ostapenko, and remained there More?
SECOND Fighter: Yes, Comrade Commander!
first champion: You need to drink, and then, one never knows hour perish - the enemies get.
Cry from the audience: In the morning leave the better!
commander takes the cup, coming to the stage, holding unsteady on his feet, and makes a speech, addressing the audience.
COMMANDER: Comrades! I raise this toast to the most sacred thing that we have.
And even if we perish, but the hour of victory will come, because it is inevitable, as the defeat of Nazi invaders at Stalingrad. Hurrah!
enthusiastic roar of the spectators. General already laughing openly. The first and second fighters take a stretcher with a wounded and in led by the commander marched leave the scene.
nurse a little late, takes the microphone and speaker crazed drunk voice, says: - And they go on!
PS The same evening we all (except nurses) sitting in the guardhouse. It is true that on Monday we drove out Head guardhouse.
- Scheb you in Minya Tutu play is not syhrali!
Taken from http://www.kurer-sreda.ru/2010/12/28/36852
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Average Breast Size By Nation
Monday, February 14, 2011
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Sc And Sk Phonics Activity
appeal to Orthodox
Dear Orthodox LJ readers, I ask it to you. (Atheists also be useful to read the body of knowledge)
The Gospel of Matthew is a wonderful passage that you rarely quoted as the words of Jesus to the ROC has long do not matter:
1 Then Jesus began to say unto his disciples, and
2 and said: Moses on seat sat the Scribes and Pharisees;
3 All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do; for as they do not act because they say and do:
4 bind heavy burdens and grievous, and lay them on men's shoulders, but they themselves will not move their finger, Luke 11:46, Acts 15:10
5 all their works they do in order to be seen of men: expand its store and increase voskriliya their garments, Numbers 15:38, Deuteronomy 22:12
6 And love the uppermost rooms at feasts, and in the synagogues Mark 12:39, Luke 11:43; 20:46
7 and salutations in the market, and that people called them: a teacher! Teacher!
8 But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master - Christ, yet you are - brothers, James 3:1, 1 Corinthians 3:4
9 and his father does not call anyone on earth, for one is your Father who is in heaven Mal 1:6
10 and is not called masters: for one is your Master - Christ.
11 more of you shall be your servant:
12 For whosoever exalts himself shall be abased, and who humbles himself, he shall be exalted. Luke 14:11
13 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites shut the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye shall not go and although the fall did not admit. Ezekiel 22:26, Luke 11:52
14 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites devour widows' houses, and a pretense make long prayer: therefore receive the greater condemnation. Mark 12:40, Luke 20:47
15 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites bypass sea and land, in order to draw even one, and when this happens, make him the son of Gehenna twice as worst you.
16 Woe to you, blind guides, which say: if one swears by temple, it is nothing, but if anyone swears by the gold of the temple, he is guilty.
17 You blind fools! is greater: the gold or the temple that sanctifies the gold?
18: And, Whosoever shall swear the altar, it is nothing, but if one swears by the gift that is upon him, he is guilty.
19 You blind fools! is greater: the gift or the altar that sanctifies the gift? Exodus 29:37
20 Therefore he who swears by the altar swears by it and all that is therein;
21 and who swears by the temple swears by it and living in it; 2 Chron 6:2, Psalm 25:8
22 and who swears by heaven swears by the throne God and him that sat on him.
23 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cumin, and left of the law: justice, mercy and faith: these things be done, and not to leave. Hos 6:6, Micah 6:8, Matthew 12:7, Luke 11:42
24 Ye blind guides, otsezhivayuschie a gnat and swallow a camel!
25 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of extortion and excess.
26 Thou blind Pharisee! cleanse first the inside of bowls and dishes to clean was the outside of them.
27 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of bones the dead and of all uncleanness, Luke 11:44, Acts 23:3
28 Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous to men, but inwardly full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.
29 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, that build the tombs of the prophets and adorn the monuments of the righteous,
30 and say: if we were in the days of our fathers, we would not have been accomplices them in the blood of the prophets;
31 so you will be witnesses unto yourselves, that you are sons of those who killed the prophets;
32 Fill up then the measure of fathers your own.
Carefully read? Now look at the structure of the ROC and their conversations.
After all, they all say how humbly and live in poverty, but they are burdened immeasurable puzami of gluttony, decorate their homes and bodies with gold, ride a doroguschy machines and, yes, are very not cheap watches. We say to them - not about Jesus propoovedoval, and we are responsible - do as they preach to you, but do not be such as the rule of the ROC. Is not this Jesus said to them, unless they do not know the First Gospel of Matthew by heart?
Look at one of three residences of the patriarch:
This - not the church, it is all the wealth he sees only the Patriarch and his servants. Is Jesus meant when he was preaching the apostles spread the word of God?
A title in the ROC, is unclear Jesus told the apostles not to call themselves teachers and fathers? These words may misinterpret as anything out of context, but here if you read the whole paragraph is an explicit ban on any glorification myself, just read some titles currently invented churchmen to seem more important:
Priest (= priest)
Abbot Archimandrite
Metropolitan Archbishop Patriarch
And they call themselves fathers, father, holy. Justification that they take in the messages of the New Testament, written much later, and when they are given the words of Jesus - It is for them no credibility.
That post one abbot, where he talks about why the church does not like: http://igumen-nektariy.livejournal.com/16078.html?thread=230606 # t230606
Link goes directly to the trade and where I suggested him to show even a bishop, living well, if not poor, at least modestly. Was unable to give an example of Abbot cleric living modestly higher rank and banned me in my journal.
Let's look at the photos modest wicked priests:
One alternative explanation in this thread:
http://natasha-str.livejournal.com/39918.html?thread=108782 # t108782
From the stories my employee, I learned my father after the service has to drink up all the wine from the chalice. Since the congregation is small, and pour the wine - sin, and take "Per capita" accounts for up to 500ml of wine, but it is sweet, calorie-bellies and grow here.
funny! A priest who is on this debt hanging? And how often he has such service?
In my opinion, this happens every day, such a ritual, the sacrament is called.
If daily, how do they manage to not get drunk as hell? And this is only the Orthodox such an order? Why Protestant priests no stomachs do not grow?
Protestant probably know how much wine to pour into the bowl to evenly was, and our generous hand-poured, many ruin oneself by drink. A figure of such "with the stomach is called" orthodox figure. For sonority voice is good and so is encouraged. That's me all of his conversations with a colleague quieted.
But in reality, these belly from eating the money of citizens purchased. It is not just coming citizens, and on price lists, Here are just a few selections of price tags in the churches:
http:/ / volochkova-a.livejournal.com/12868.html
ROC's long-selling faith and in the main offices of the country: is, for example, the thesis, where almost openly asked our government to use the ROC as a tool to obtain unrestricted authorities to put an end to democracy:
Now the ROC has a PR-department, your legal department, in fact the ROC has long been a corporation, where you are Orthodox, carry your money, because he believes that the ROC - Church of Christ. And it's terrible for you astray. What do you think the Bank of Christ savior - has to do with religion? No, this is only the name of the bank. And the Temple of Christ the Savior? Customary non-residential commercial building in which the money You can hold a conference, even if you're a Satanist. And the ROC - it's called the Church, but this is a long, long ago is not the Church.
Dear Orthodox LJ readers, I ask it to you. (Atheists also be useful to read the body of knowledge)
The Gospel of Matthew is a wonderful passage that you rarely quoted as the words of Jesus to the ROC has long do not matter:
1 Then Jesus began to say unto his disciples, and
2 and said: Moses on seat sat the Scribes and Pharisees;
3 All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do; for as they do not act because they say and do:
4 bind heavy burdens and grievous, and lay them on men's shoulders, but they themselves will not move their finger, Luke 11:46, Acts 15:10
5 all their works they do in order to be seen of men: expand its store and increase voskriliya their garments, Numbers 15:38, Deuteronomy 22:12
6 And love the uppermost rooms at feasts, and in the synagogues Mark 12:39, Luke 11:43; 20:46
7 and salutations in the market, and that people called them: a teacher! Teacher!
8 But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master - Christ, yet you are - brothers, James 3:1, 1 Corinthians 3:4
9 and his father does not call anyone on earth, for one is your Father who is in heaven Mal 1:6
10 and is not called masters: for one is your Master - Christ.
11 more of you shall be your servant:
12 For whosoever exalts himself shall be abased, and who humbles himself, he shall be exalted. Luke 14:11
13 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites shut the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye shall not go and although the fall did not admit. Ezekiel 22:26, Luke 11:52
14 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites devour widows' houses, and a pretense make long prayer: therefore receive the greater condemnation. Mark 12:40, Luke 20:47
15 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites bypass sea and land, in order to draw even one, and when this happens, make him the son of Gehenna twice as worst you.
16 Woe to you, blind guides, which say: if one swears by temple, it is nothing, but if anyone swears by the gold of the temple, he is guilty.
17 You blind fools! is greater: the gold or the temple that sanctifies the gold?
18: And, Whosoever shall swear the altar, it is nothing, but if one swears by the gift that is upon him, he is guilty.
19 You blind fools! is greater: the gift or the altar that sanctifies the gift? Exodus 29:37
20 Therefore he who swears by the altar swears by it and all that is therein;
21 and who swears by the temple swears by it and living in it; 2 Chron 6:2, Psalm 25:8
22 and who swears by heaven swears by the throne God and him that sat on him.
23 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cumin, and left of the law: justice, mercy and faith: these things be done, and not to leave. Hos 6:6, Micah 6:8, Matthew 12:7, Luke 11:42
24 Ye blind guides, otsezhivayuschie a gnat and swallow a camel!
25 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of extortion and excess.
26 Thou blind Pharisee! cleanse first the inside of bowls and dishes to clean was the outside of them.
27 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of bones the dead and of all uncleanness, Luke 11:44, Acts 23:3
28 Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous to men, but inwardly full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.
29 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, that build the tombs of the prophets and adorn the monuments of the righteous,
30 and say: if we were in the days of our fathers, we would not have been accomplices them in the blood of the prophets;
31 so you will be witnesses unto yourselves, that you are sons of those who killed the prophets;
32 Fill up then the measure of fathers your own.
Carefully read? Now look at the structure of the ROC and their conversations.
After all, they all say how humbly and live in poverty, but they are burdened immeasurable puzami of gluttony, decorate their homes and bodies with gold, ride a doroguschy machines and, yes, are very not cheap watches. We say to them - not about Jesus propoovedoval, and we are responsible - do as they preach to you, but do not be such as the rule of the ROC. Is not this Jesus said to them, unless they do not know the First Gospel of Matthew by heart?
Look at one of three residences of the patriarch:
This - not the church, it is all the wealth he sees only the Patriarch and his servants. Is Jesus meant when he was preaching the apostles spread the word of God?
A title in the ROC, is unclear Jesus told the apostles not to call themselves teachers and fathers? These words may misinterpret as anything out of context, but here if you read the whole paragraph is an explicit ban on any glorification myself, just read some titles currently invented churchmen to seem more important:
Priest (= priest)
Abbot Archimandrite
Metropolitan Archbishop Patriarch
And they call themselves fathers, father, holy. Justification that they take in the messages of the New Testament, written much later, and when they are given the words of Jesus - It is for them no credibility.
That post one abbot, where he talks about why the church does not like: http://igumen-nektariy.livejournal.com/16078.html?thread=230606 # t230606
Link goes directly to the trade and where I suggested him to show even a bishop, living well, if not poor, at least modestly. Was unable to give an example of Abbot cleric living modestly higher rank and banned me in my journal.
Let's look at the photos modest wicked priests:
One alternative explanation in this thread:
http://natasha-str.livejournal.com/39918.html?thread=108782 # t108782
From the stories my employee, I learned my father after the service has to drink up all the wine from the chalice. Since the congregation is small, and pour the wine - sin, and take "Per capita" accounts for up to 500ml of wine, but it is sweet, calorie-bellies and grow here.
funny! A priest who is on this debt hanging? And how often he has such service?
In my opinion, this happens every day, such a ritual, the sacrament is called.
If daily, how do they manage to not get drunk as hell? And this is only the Orthodox such an order? Why Protestant priests no stomachs do not grow?
Protestant probably know how much wine to pour into the bowl to evenly was, and our generous hand-poured, many ruin oneself by drink. A figure of such "with the stomach is called" orthodox figure. For sonority voice is good and so is encouraged. That's me all of his conversations with a colleague quieted.
But in reality, these belly from eating the money of citizens purchased. It is not just coming citizens, and on price lists, Here are just a few selections of price tags in the churches:
http:/ / volochkova-a.livejournal.com/12868.html
ROC's long-selling faith and in the main offices of the country: is, for example, the thesis, where almost openly asked our government to use the ROC as a tool to obtain unrestricted authorities to put an end to democracy:
Now the ROC has a PR-department, your legal department, in fact the ROC has long been a corporation, where you are Orthodox, carry your money, because he believes that the ROC - Church of Christ. And it's terrible for you astray. What do you think the Bank of Christ savior - has to do with religion? No, this is only the name of the bank. And the Temple of Christ the Savior? Customary non-residential commercial building in which the money You can hold a conference, even if you're a Satanist. And the ROC - it's called the Church, but this is a long, long ago is not the Church.
How For Loette To Get Out Of Your System
Friday, February 11, 2011
Lenovo Veriface Switch Off
...'cause I want it!
Finally, after so long, I am doing an update! · ^ °
I'm here because in reality, to pass the time, I wanted to put the cosplay meme that I completed, I take this opportunity to XD Oh well. DePrima ..! CAC's dress Souji think will never happen because the Chinese New Year, then I have to fall back on Kucabara ... ç ç sigh-I'm not complaining, but ... sigh, I really wanted! CAC
Anyways, the meme post and I'm quiet, it is better ♥
Cosplay meme
-What Was your first cosplay?
Meirin from Kuroshitsuji, 2009: D-
Did someone get you into cosplay?
No, absolutely no one .... Since my sister was cosplay in front of my eyes, I finally took the willing and I've also started xD That's all XD
-What is your favorite cosplay?
Among those I've done, Luce ♥ Among those who will ... Vivaldi, Virgilia and Souji xD But still I can not decide between them, as more are planned for this year!
-Which is your least favorite?
I have not done much, so I can not tell anything ...
-At conventions, do people compliment you on your cosplays? ♥ With Light
Yes I have received many compliments, even from people who, while not knowing the character, said it was a really nice cosplay ... ♥
-How many have you done?
Currently only 5! CAC But we can say that it is only 1 year and some months I make cosplays, so I'm happy. W. On the other hand, in 2011, I planned 8-9 u_u but the fairs are mancano!
-What are the top 5 on your list of "Want to Cosplay"?
Vivaldi [Heart no kuni no Alice]
Virgilia [Umineko no naku koro ni]
Luka Megurine Sandplay&Synchronicity Version [Vocaloid]
DJibril [Angel Sanctuary]
Delphine [Dream of Doll]
-What female cosplay do you want to do most?
Vivaldi, assolutamente! XD
-What male cosplay do you want to do most?
SOUJIIIII ç____ç *si dispera*
-Your most memorable experience? What makes it so memorable?
Romics 2010, meeting KHR! :) I have met many people whom I knew only the nicknames or at least talked with him only on the Internet, I have seen live Mummy ♥ ... I had fun as hell ♥
Your Most-recent cosplay?
removing the various instant random, light from KHR XD
-What do you prefer? Cosplaying in a group or on your own ?
I have not tried to cosplay alone Comics in Rome it will be the first time ever ... It will be an interesting experience:) I usually go in groups, lol ♥
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. What Was Your primary reason for wanting to cosplay. I love to impersonate
in the shoes of someone else, but especially love to dress "different" at least once a month, and I want to act like being with people who share my love ... : D I guess that's a good reason to wait ♥
2. When cosplaying what do you feel is Most Important? (Ex. Detail, character portrayal, ect.)
said that one should first of all have fun, if you do not laugh, jokes, etc. ... What reason is there to do cosplay? Just to show you, receive the photos? The I find it silly and trivial reasons.
3. Do you have someone who inspires you to cosplay? If so who?
I would say that there is no one but the character I choose xD
4. Everyone has a pet peeve When it comes to cosplay. What is yours?
being told to not be suitable for that character, when the only thing I want is to have fun with my group or not to listen to certain things. _. Ok, if you cosplay is obvious you say something, but basically what does he care to others what you do?
5. Do you prefer to buy or make your cosplays?
I do not know sewing, I am good for nothing to tell the truth, so I prefer to buy them:) also set aside the money is a sacrifice u_u
6. When Deciding on how You want to look your cosplay, what goes through your mind. (Ex. Does the fabric / material Have to look like the picture)
Search for the best xDDD Even at the cost of spending the millions, because unfortunately I can not put all your heart sewed, I at least do our best to make , it's great:)
7. What type of characters do you enjoy cosplaying.
what I choose? LOL
8. How do you choose the characters you cosplay as?
long as I like, it's okay xD I'm 1.77 but if you love a character that is up 1.60 I do not care anything, I go to the individual rather! ♥
9. Are There Any cosplays That You Wish You Could pull off?
hm ... naaah xD
10. Do you have any cosplays That You will never do. Why?
Cosplay E_e Mica half naked because I lack the physical, even avendocelo, I do not feel at ease ...
11. Do you Believe That a person has to Have Certain qualities to pull off a cosplay? (Ex. Facial structure .... ect.)
I say that just like the cosplay, but I myself do not have a physical model to think there is a limit to everything XD I'm not naked, for example, I dignity! And that many people do not have ....
12. What are some of your dream cosplays?
The Cosplay Final Fantasy .... so beautiful ♥ incasinatamente
13. Why do you want to be These characters?
As I said, they are wonderful clothes XD Yes, I am a fanatic of clothing, I ~
14. What is your primary reason for cosplaying?
see my friends who live out of town:) Have fun, find out "as they really are" says xD in that it changes character depending on the character, I can understand how I am better, and then as I reflected more xD
15. Do you have any tips to give people about cosplaying?
Enjoy!! Cosplay ... And do not choose just because they are naked or not even know the character! È_é
Finally, after so long, I am doing an update! · ^ °
I'm here because in reality, to pass the time, I wanted to put the cosplay meme that I completed, I take this opportunity to XD Oh well. DePrima ..! CAC's dress Souji think will never happen because the Chinese New Year, then I have to fall back on Kucabara ... ç ç sigh-I'm not complaining, but ... sigh, I really wanted! CAC
Anyways, the meme post and I'm quiet, it is better ♥
Cosplay meme
-What Was your first cosplay?
Meirin from Kuroshitsuji, 2009: D-
Did someone get you into cosplay?
No, absolutely no one .... Since my sister was cosplay in front of my eyes, I finally took the willing and I've also started xD That's all XD
-What is your favorite cosplay?
Among those I've done, Luce ♥ Among those who will ... Vivaldi, Virgilia and Souji xD But still I can not decide between them, as more are planned for this year!
-Which is your least favorite?
I have not done much, so I can not tell anything ...
-At conventions, do people compliment you on your cosplays? ♥ With Light
Yes I have received many compliments, even from people who, while not knowing the character, said it was a really nice cosplay ... ♥
-How many have you done?
Currently only 5! CAC But we can say that it is only 1 year and some months I make cosplays, so I'm happy. W. On the other hand, in 2011, I planned 8-9 u_u but the fairs are mancano!
-What are the top 5 on your list of "Want to Cosplay"?
Vivaldi [Heart no kuni no Alice]
Virgilia [Umineko no naku koro ni]
Luka Megurine Sandplay&Synchronicity Version [Vocaloid]
DJibril [Angel Sanctuary]
Delphine [Dream of Doll]
-What female cosplay do you want to do most?
Vivaldi, assolutamente! XD
-What male cosplay do you want to do most?
SOUJIIIII ç____ç *si dispera*
-Your most memorable experience? What makes it so memorable?
Romics 2010, meeting KHR! :) I have met many people whom I knew only the nicknames or at least talked with him only on the Internet, I have seen live Mummy ♥ ... I had fun as hell ♥
Your Most-recent cosplay?
removing the various instant random, light from KHR XD
-What do you prefer? Cosplaying in a group or on your own ?
I have not tried to cosplay alone Comics in Rome it will be the first time ever ... It will be an interesting experience:) I usually go in groups, lol ♥
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. What Was Your primary reason for wanting to cosplay. I love to impersonate
in the shoes of someone else, but especially love to dress "different" at least once a month, and I want to act like being with people who share my love ... : D I guess that's a good reason to wait ♥
2. When cosplaying what do you feel is Most Important? (Ex. Detail, character portrayal, ect.)
said that one should first of all have fun, if you do not laugh, jokes, etc. ... What reason is there to do cosplay? Just to show you, receive the photos? The I find it silly and trivial reasons.
3. Do you have someone who inspires you to cosplay? If so who?
I would say that there is no one but the character I choose xD
4. Everyone has a pet peeve When it comes to cosplay. What is yours?
being told to not be suitable for that character, when the only thing I want is to have fun with my group or not to listen to certain things. _. Ok, if you cosplay is obvious you say something, but basically what does he care to others what you do?
5. Do you prefer to buy or make your cosplays?
I do not know sewing, I am good for nothing to tell the truth, so I prefer to buy them:) also set aside the money is a sacrifice u_u
6. When Deciding on how You want to look your cosplay, what goes through your mind. (Ex. Does the fabric / material Have to look like the picture)
Search for the best xDDD Even at the cost of spending the millions, because unfortunately I can not put all your heart sewed, I at least do our best to make , it's great:)
7. What type of characters do you enjoy cosplaying.
what I choose? LOL
8. How do you choose the characters you cosplay as?
long as I like, it's okay xD I'm 1.77 but if you love a character that is up 1.60 I do not care anything, I go to the individual rather! ♥
9. Are There Any cosplays That You Wish You Could pull off?
hm ... naaah xD
10. Do you have any cosplays That You will never do. Why?
Cosplay E_e Mica half naked because I lack the physical, even avendocelo, I do not feel at ease ...
11. Do you Believe That a person has to Have Certain qualities to pull off a cosplay? (Ex. Facial structure .... ect.)
I say that just like the cosplay, but I myself do not have a physical model to think there is a limit to everything XD I'm not naked, for example, I dignity! And that many people do not have ....
12. What are some of your dream cosplays?
The Cosplay Final Fantasy .... so beautiful ♥ incasinatamente
13. Why do you want to be These characters?
As I said, they are wonderful clothes XD Yes, I am a fanatic of clothing, I ~
14. What is your primary reason for cosplaying?
see my friends who live out of town:) Have fun, find out "as they really are" says xD in that it changes character depending on the character, I can understand how I am better, and then as I reflected more xD
15. Do you have any tips to give people about cosplaying?
Enjoy!! Cosplay ... And do not choose just because they are naked or not even know the character! È_é
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Homemade Water Feeder For Rabits
Lara S.
Well, there was plenty of free time and creative mood. Climbed in the summer harvesting:)
Well, there was plenty of free time and creative mood. Climbed in the summer harvesting:)
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Do Your Real Curtains Match Your Carpet
seems spring is coming!
Despite snowfall I have a feeling of approximation spring.
This means that there will be new photos of girls
Despite snowfall I have a feeling of approximation spring.
This means that there will be new photos of girls
Friday, February 4, 2011
Buy Oakley Razor Blades Replica
Originally posted by
podakuni at FAQ questions involving a series of responses:
# 3
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# 3
Where can shoot and where not?
Traditionally, I will try to answer briefly and deployed. =:) (
Answers under the cut
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Creative Live Pro Windows 7 Driver
Today witnessed the ceremony of laying flowers at the monument, GK Beetles in honor of the military glory of Russia - Victory Day in the Battle of Stalingrad in 1943 front of the monument were a lot of TV
Today witnessed the ceremony of laying flowers at the monument, GK Beetles in honor of the military glory of Russia - Victory Day in the Battle of Stalingrad in 1943 front of the monument were a lot of TV
front of the monument was a brass band
From the Alexander Garden went to a column with flowers.
But people close to rubbing operators overshadowed my entire appearance.
Actually itself to lay flowers.
Sorry for the quality mobilofoto
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Sunfire Tga 7401 Review
Rodina (Novosibirsk region from a helicopter (2010) Part II)
Originally posted by
at Shoe matrix So, clean the matrix. About this method I read in 2007, when in front of me впервые встала проблема пыли на матрице.
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