Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Get Rid Of Prolapsing Hemorrhoids

Happy Soviet Army and Navy!

Despite the fact that in recent times, this holiday represents, as a day of all men, for me it is primarily a day of all those who served, both men and women in uniform. Happy holiday!

And under the cut gay army story of one man servicemen

THEY fought for their Motherland

Before the end of the course School ensigns had a little. We had to pass the final exams and left for parts. By the beginning of exams in the part had to come Commission from district headquarters to check. Probably for this test and was timed competition of amateur. Political officer of our company, announced that this competition open to all comers. For those who want a release, of course, was not - participate in the initiative implied exemption for a period of preparation the competition from the tedious drill, special and other types of training. Yes, and a variety would be too helpful. Political officer, announced that our company will play a mini-play, 30 minutes.
script was ready - the action took place during the Great Patriotic War, and are reduced to the fact that several Soviet soldiers sit at rest and talk about how they will smash the fascist scum that they are willing to die for their country that and will not give an inch of his native land, and so on. Then they are surrounded by Germans and in an unequal battle our soldiers are dying. Over all this is carried announcer with a microphone, who plays a sort of "voice-overs."
In general, the safe option, according to the political officer and director.
week we were rehearsing. According to the plot, together the soldiers had to be a nurse, her role was invited to a local schoolgirl tenth grade. And her friend was supposed to play the role of speaker. Now it should be recalled that before the end of the course has remained a bit, so the students were quite relaxed. The mood at all was excellent, and we even dared to joke and laugh. The essence of the tricks was conceived as follows.
In the course of the play the men had to drink to their fallen comrades. At rehearsals we are particularly pleased to rehearse this moment, pouring water on aluminum mugs from the flask.
So we decided to add some fun to play. Bought liter of vodka, poured a full bottle, but that does not fits in the bottle, have used before going on stage, in four. This we have done nothing, because organisms otvykshih from alcohol, it was loading dose.
As a result, the performance was as follows.
Auditorium garrison club. All seats are occupied by soldiers the next division the officers with their wives and children, invited veterans. In the front row sits the command part and a visiting general, the head of the check Commission.
Non programs come one after another. Some danced, others sang songs ...
Reaches turn up to play.
Following the announcement on the scene two men in capes, carrying stretchers with wounded. Their leading cadet in officer's cap, who plays the commander. Together with them, a girl with a bag with a red cross - Nurse.
speaker's voice (with pathos): Little Red Army unit, bearing heavy losses, with fights retreated to the east. Commissioner Petrov was mortally wounded, but there remained the slightest hope, comrades carried him to himself. Seeing how exhausted soldiers, the commander gave the command to halt.
COMMANDER: Stop, comrades. Halt.
fighters are at the camp. One of them immediately pulls out a flask haversack, aluminum cups, and pours them on the contents of the flask.
COMMANDER: Drink same for the comrades who fell in the unequal ...
NURSE (whispering): Boys, this is that, although vodka?
COMMANDER: ... the battles for our Soviet Motherland! All
drink. Nurse blushes and starts the habit cough.
first champion (hands her his hat): Zanyuhay, dear.
WOUNDED: Drink ...
Commander: Commissioner pour.
Nurse gently lifts his head injured and water them from his mug. The rows of the audience is excited - they are starting to realize that there is something wrong.
SECOND Fighter: Here we divide the German delights, come and see me at Poltava. I have a mom such dumplings with cherries does!
NURSE: Then I suppose I grew up in an orphanage. My mom and did not know ...
COMMANDER (Emblem ordering pour more): No, comrades, the war is over, and we all return to our moms. For parents! All
drink. Wounded in this case sits in a litter, overturned mug and lay down again. Spectators begin to quietly laugh. Chief Schools face black as thunder.
newcomer general Conversely, grinning through his mustache.
NURSE: Boys, let's sing! Katyusha! To ...
COMMANDER (Choking with laughter): Do not, dear! Surrounded by enemies!
Yip FROM HALL: Nurses do not pour any more!
All actors on for some time turn away from the spectators, to hide the tearing out laughing. Dumb in a minute. Head of School breaks to jump out of chairs, a visiting General to detain him, reassuring pat on the shoulder. Political officer at the scene of vigor gestures actors, they say, enough, stop the ugliness.
But the actors, seeing that they had nothing to lose, continue to play.
first champion (Retrieves a pack of Camels "): smoke, guys!
COMMANDER: What kind of snuff you have such?
first champion: Captured. A camel named.
COMMANDER: What a dirty trick. What did Fritz do not invent ...
All silently smoking. Especially colorful looks wounded, lying smoking and float the ceiling ring. Meanwhile, political officer decides to influence the course of the play more effective measures and begins dictating speaker text.
political officer (speaker): But here in the forest heard the noise. Ostapenko fighter shouted: 'The Germans!'
SPEAKER (With pathos): But here in the forest heard the noise. Ostapenko fighter shouted: Germans!
Second Fighter: The Germans!
COMMANDER: Quietly, Ostapenko. It is the wind rustling the branches. Nerve you have no right - no joke, for three days without sleep. Drink to calm.
zampolit (mutters angrily): The nerves b .... " (A little louder) This is the squirrel, comrades.
SPEAKER (With pathos): This is the squirrel, comrades!
loud laughter of the hall. Newcomer General buried his face in his hands and silently shakes.
COMMANDER: Well, Ostapenko, and remained there More?
SECOND Fighter: Yes, Comrade Commander!
first champion: You need to drink, and then, one never knows hour perish - the enemies get.
Cry from the audience: In the morning leave the better!
commander takes the cup, coming to the stage, holding unsteady on his feet, and makes a speech, addressing the audience.
COMMANDER: Comrades! I raise this toast to the most sacred thing that we have.
And even if we perish, but the hour of victory will come, because it is inevitable, as the defeat of Nazi invaders at Stalingrad. Hurrah!
enthusiastic roar of the spectators. General already laughing openly. The first and second fighters take a stretcher with a wounded and in led by the commander marched leave the scene.
nurse a little late, takes the microphone and speaker crazed drunk voice, says: - And they go on!
PS The same evening we all (except nurses) sitting in the guardhouse. It is true that on Monday we drove out Head guardhouse.
- Scheb you in Minya Tutu play is not syhrali!

Taken from


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